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.processtext.com/abclit.htmlWas that how he d managed to conceal the Unseelie mirror from me? With deeper, darker magic thansidhe -seers knew? I couldn t get too bent out of shape over it, however, because it meant I reallywassafe in the bookstore.How complex I was becoming: grateful for power wherever it could be found,provided it worked for me. Are we clear on what I m going to do, and what you renot going to do? As clear as your transparent desires,sidhe -seer.Rolling my eyes, I skirted the car and took his hand.At home in Ashford, I have a great group of friends.I don t have a single one in Dublin.The one place I thought I might make friends was at the abbey, among my own kind.Now, thanks toRowena, that opportunity was closed to me.She d been messing up my life since the first night I darrived in Ireland, when I d nearly betrayed myself in a pub to the first Fae I d ever seen and, instead oftaking me in and teaching me what I was, she d told me to go die somewhere else.Then she d stood passively by while V lane had nearly raped me in a museum.Then she d sent hersidhe -seers to spy on me (like I wasn t one, too!) and finally, she d added insult toinjury sending them to attack me and take my weapon, forcing me to harm one of my own.Not oncehad Rowena welcomed me.Not once had she shown me anything but disdain and distrust for no goodreason!These women were never going to forgive me for killing one of them.I knew that, and I wasn t here toask them to.It s not the hand you re dealt that matters.It s how you play the cards.I was here to set the record straight.Rowena had made a statement this afternoon.By sending hersidhe -seers after me in force, with ordersto subdue me and steal my weapon, she d said:You are not one of us and the only way you canbecome one of us is complete subjugation to my will.Give me your weapon, obey me in all things,and I ll consider letting you into the fold.I was here to make my own statement back:Screw you, old woman.To drive my point home I dbrought as my protector a Fae Prince capable of destroying them all (not that I would ever let him).If shewas a wise woman, she wouldn t mess with me again, and she d call off her attack dogs.I already hadenough people and monsters messing with me.Darn it all, I d wanted friends and I d wanted them among my own kind!I d wanted girls like Dani, only older, to confide in, to talk to, to share secrets of our heritage with.I dwanted tobelong here.I d wanted to learn about the O Connors, the bloodline I was supposedlydescended from, and the last living member of. Take me in, I told V lane, bracing myself to be  sifted.I asked V lane why the Fae call it sifting, and he said it was the only human word that encapsulated thebasics of what they do.The Fae sift the limitless dimensions, like grains of sand through their fingers, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlletting a little spill here, a little spill there, sorting them until they have hold of the ones they want.Whenthey have chosen, things change.I asked if that meant he chose the  grain of place where he wanted to be, and moved there by thepower of thought.He didn t get the idea of moving there.According to him, neither we, nor thedimensions moved.We simply.changed.And there it was again, the two prevalent Fae concepts:stasis or change.Sifting felt like dying.I simply stopped existing completely, then was there again.It was painless, butdeeply disturbing.One moment I was outside, standing next to the Viper, in near darkness; the next, mynight-enlarged pupils gorged on a blaze of lights, momentarily blinding me, and when I could see again, Iwas inside the brilliantly lit walls of Arlington Abbey.Women were screaming.Many and loudly.It was deafening.For a moment, I was afraid they were under attack.Then I understood:I was the attack.I was hearingthe sound of hundreds ofsidhe -seers sensing an immensely powerful Fae inside their warded walls.I dforgotten about that tiny detail; of course they would sense V lane, and they d raise the hue and cry. Shall I shut them up? V lane said. No.Leave them alone.They ll stop in a minute. I hoped.They did.At my direction, he d sifted us into the rear of the abbey, where I d hoped to find the dormitories.Myguess, based on the sketches I d seen online, had been accurate.One by one, doors opened, headspopped out, mouths closed, gaped, and closed again.A familiar head of curly red hair emerged from a nearby room. Oh, you areso fecking dead! Daniexclaimed. You were in serious trouble before, but now she s going to kill you. Watch your language, Dani, chastised the woman who appeared in the doorway behind her.Dani rolled her eyes. I d like to see her try, I said.The outer corners of the gamine redhead s mouth twitched. How dare you come here? How dare you bring thatthing in here? demanded a pajama-cladsidhe-seer, stabbing a finger at V lane.Another head popped into view behind her, nose heavily bandaged.Iknew that woman.My fist had met her face earlier today.Her eyes were bloodshot from crying, andnarrowed on me with hostility.When he stiffened, I placed a hand on his arm, careful to harbor no Nulling intent, in a show of solidarityI hoped would defuse his aggression.The corridor was now filled withsidhe -seers in various stages of undress.Not because of V lane, butbecause it was after midnight and I d woken them.Apparently, he was proving true to his word.Not asinglesidhe -seer was undressing.I didn t feel the ghost of a sexual tingle.Nonetheless, they were all Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlstaring fixedly at him. I didn t dare come here without Prince V lane. The use of his title pleased him; I felt muscle slidesmoother beneath his skin. Rowena sent six of you after me today. I saw the ones that returned, the pajama-clad woman snapped.She glanced over her shoulder at herbandaged roommate, then back at me, her gaze frigid. Those thatlived were badly beaten.There s not ascratch on you.Not a single bruise. She paused, then spat, Pri-ya. I amnot Pri-ya! You travel with a Fae Prince.You touch him freely, of your own accord.What else could you be? Try asidhe -seer who s working with a Fae Prince in order to help Queen Aoibheal find theSinsarDubh so she can fix the mess we re all in, I said coolly. V lane approached me on the Seelie queen sbehalf, because I can sense the Book when it s near.I ve been She gasped. You can sense theSinsar Dubh ? Is it near? Have you seen it?Sidhe-seers up and down the corridor turned to each other, exclaiming. Can t any ofyou sense it? I glanced around.The faces turned toward me reflected astonishment.Itmirrored my own.I d thought surely there would be others like me.One or two, at least.Dani shook her head. The ability to sense Fae objects is extremely rare, Mac.Her roommate said stiffly,  The lastsidhe -seer with that ability died a long time ago.We ve not beensuccessful at breeding those bloodlines.Breeding those bloodlines? The soft Irish lilt didn t soften the words a bit.They were cold.Made methink of white coats and labs and petri dishes.It was no wonder I was so highly sought after.No wonderBarrons was so determined to keep me alive, and I had a Fae prince playing lapdog, and the LordMaster hadn t yet launched a full-scale attack against me.They allneeded me alive.I was Tigger.I wasthe only one. You killed Moira! the woman in the door across the hall accused.V lane regarded me with acute interest. You killed one of your own? No, I didn t kill Moira. I addressed thesidhe -seers, who were all regarding me with open hostility,with the exception of Dani [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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