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.They do this withhumility and in silence of heart.This is praiseworthy.It is but natural that yousupport something that you consider valuable.So, there is no unambiguous answer. There is no one rule for everybody.Do what your heart and love therein dictate.And do not demonize the issue of money.Take it easy and use your imagination.Money is the gift of love from God.Let them serve Love. Money is the gift of love from God , nicely said.Words fit to be framed.Harness money for the service of Love.19.Impact of EnergiesI remember how, a few years ago, I began noticing the influence of external energies onmyself and my surroundings.Once, we were sitting with a group of friends and talkingabout spiritual matters.We were clearly feeling peaceful joy and elation.(At least I wasfeeling them very distinctly.) This state can also be described as a very nice atmosphere,giving calmness and clarity of thought.Then, after a while the conversation shifted to someone we knew, who was then a prettyswollen-headed and arrogant man.I felt such emphatic discord that I drew it to theattention of everybody present.Immediately, we performed an experiment.First, wetalked about Masters and spiritual things for a while; then we returned our attention backto the person in question.Everybody present felt a striking dissonance between theenergies associated with the two situations.The atmosphere of first situation was chargedvery positively, and after a while it got nasty.What was this?Those were the energies related to that man.Your sensitivity told you what theycontained.In reality, the man was feigning spiritual development, getting stuckand entangled in the thicket of his own theories.True spirituality expresses itselfwith lightness, inspiration and elation.It is love.Everybody feels good in thepresence of positively radiating people.There is the saying  Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are and itconcerns the effect of assimilating the traits of beings who are mutually close toeach other.Thinking about the other and emotional relationships get peoplecloser.When you think of people beset with problems, you imbibe their energyand fall into depression yourself.Think about Divinity; think about love for theCreator and the pure and sublime currents of Divine energies will pervade yourmind.These bring inspiration and a deeper understanding of life.It is because of this that the religions of the East talk so much about incessantrecitation or repetition of the Lord s Name.The Name has the power toneutralize the unfavourable influences of any environment.Think about God and constantly stay in His energies this is how the experienceyou described can be summed up.Keep repeating His Name.It has enormouspurity and protection power.It guides your lives in the positive direction. Tell me your company, I shall tell you what you are. You pervade each other with your energies at home, at work, and everywhereyou are.The outer energies have great influence on you, and often it is anegative influence.Therefore My prompt: wherever you are and whatever youdo, try to think about God and repeat His Name.You will feel better and yourwork will be easier.What if I am busy with demanding mental requirements in my work, and cannot focus onGod?You can, because we have two kinds of works.One is routine and it involvesthinking in a smaller degree and the other is creative, demanding effort andinspiration.Works of the first kind always leave you some  power of mind to spare , whereasthose of the second kind usually require inner support and will be done better, ifyou only let the Indweller of the Heart take part in these works.Focus on memore often and ask me to be the doer.Set  your ideas and your  I aside andturn towards me with love and prayer.I am your Friend so learn how to treatme accordingly.Be nicer.Be tender.Keep asking me for an opinion.I have often experienced that when I begin to think about others, I quickly fall into a badmood.Freshness, joy and elation only come with turning towards You [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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