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. Maine Masonic Text BookAs an officer, he should remember, first of all, that he is an individualMason, sharing in that respect a common lot with his Brethren, andtherefore interested in the welfare of each and all: be devoid of undueostentation and haughty overbearing; be accessible to all, cultivating theclosest friendship and the most unlimited confidence with his associateofficers; be eager to take counsel with his Brethren, and ready to give it;be patient in investigation and hearing; be deliberate in judgment; beprompt in execution; be forbearing long and much with evil doers; beready to reward good; be devoid of favoritism and wholly impartial; bewatchful over the treasury; having an eagle eye upon every portion of hisjurisdiction; and breasting over the restless spirit of innovation.Such are some of the more important qualifications which a GrandMaster should possess, and the leading errors which he should avoid.While the tools of Operative Masonryto us the most expressivesymbolsthe Book of Constitutions and the Holy Writings are all placed inyour charge, I would call your attention specially to the latter.In this youfind the principles upon which masonry is founded: from this it derivesits wisdom, strength and beauty: this will confirm your faith, strengthenyour hope, encourage your charity, and direct you to that temple whereall is harmony, love and peace.I also deliver to you the emblem of that power with 'Nhich you are nowinvested: in your hands it must never be sounded in vain: use it only forthe good of the craft.I now seat you, Most Worshipful, in the Grand East, at the head of anOrder which is calculated to unite men by true friendship, to extendbenevolence, and to promote virtue.And allow me to say that the honor,with which you are invested, is not unworthy of a man of the highestposition, or most distinguished abilities.May you do honor to yourexalted station: and late, very late in life, may you be transmitted fromthe fading honors of an earthly lodge, to the mansions prepared for thefaithful in a better world!Please call up the Grand Lodge.Brethren, behold your Grand Master!Brethren, salute your Grand Master!The Brethren salute by bowing three times with the right hand on thebreast, or by giving the Grand Honors, as the Installing Officer maydirect: after which a procession is formed and the Brethren pass aroundthe Hall three times, signifying their respect and obedience by the usualdisunclive marks in the different degrees.The Grand Master announceshis appointments: and the Grand Marshal is directed toconduct theDeputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens,Grand Treasurer and Grand Maine Masonic Text BookSecretary elect to the East, where, standing with the right hand on the leftbreast,they take the official obligation and are severally presented to theInstalling Officer.DEPUTY GRAND MASTER.R.W.Bro__________________ it is with muchpleasure that I invest you with this jewel as the badge of the office ofR.W.Deputy Grand Master.Under our Constitution, you have power to grant dispensations forprocessions: and it is your duty to attend all communications of theGrand Lodge, and to render such assistance to the Grand Master as maybe required of you; or, if the Grand Master is absent, to preside in hisstead: in case of his death or removal from the State, you succeed to hispowers, duties and responsibilities.Your office, therefore, is one of great dignity and much importance, andcarries with it a heavy responsibility.The honor that has been conferredon you and the trust that has been reposed in you, demand acorresponding fidelity to the interests of those whose kindness andconfidence you are indebted for your official elevation.Let the Book ofConstitutions be your constant study, that you may be the better enabledto preserve inviolate the laws and ancient landmarks of the Order, and toassist the M.W [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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