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.Are you leaving Pat? I expect you are.Coffee Susan, I’m just having a wash.” That smug look was on Sam’s face as he held my hand and dragged me out of the house laughing.“Oh that was good, I’ve been taking orders from her for over ten years, and she has Mum wrapped around her fingers.She’s lucky I bit my tongue.” Sam pulled me to him and kissed me.“Shush she was told and you were very forceful, I don’t think, she will be sticking her nose into your business again.The Night Owl, I think seeing as your Dad’s at home? He loved hearing you rip her to bits, he heard it all including the thanking me by making out bit, cheers he punched the back of my arm, I had to say not what he thought had happened, had actually happened.If that was taking it easy, don’t lose your temper with me you frightened the crap out of me, but I was serious baby our own place and loud sex please?”I smiled as he pulled me in for another kiss, I want to but how can we afford to with his spending like there’s no tomorrow? I panic paying for college, what am I going to be like paying his bills and worrying about bloody money? We need to discuss this and loads of other stuff, we start off discussing it and end up fooling around or getting disturbed, a weekend away just we two and get everything sorted out and I mean everything including gift giving.We headed into the pub.The place was full of Sam’s mates, some I recognised as the village idiots from the coach to Blackpool.Dave and Stuart, I had already met in The Frog.He would have been on my coach, I’d sussed as much when they were the lads on the coach and stopping at the castle, I had to wonder who Michelle had taken a fancy too?Sam was being sly again the lads who were on the coach and who were trying to pick me up were here too.I looked a lot different from our last encounter so he didn’t give me a second glance.The other lad did though he smiled and then waved.It was Ben from the bar.He gave me the thumbs up and Sam looked at us both.“This lot are the Jolly Boys.” He laughed, when he realised that I had sussed his sneaky plan.“I should have been on the coach that morning.I was going to surprise you, how did you guess that then?” I laughed.“They were loud on the coach and I recognise some, you were going to surprise me then?” I needed the toilet.“Can I have a glass of wine please?” I disappeared to the toilet before he could argue I heard a bunch of girl’s voices.I listened.“Sam’s out again and without Andy.Are you going to ask him again? You never get if you don’t ask.” Shit, will I ever sit on a toilet and not hear about Sam, last night he was out with Andy though, what went on last night?“He knocked me back once, but twice then more fool him! So I’m going to give him another chance.He’s a bit of a dish all right, so hot and mine.I’ve watched him for a while and last night he said I was the one.” This I had to see, how can he have knocked her back, and she was still the one in the same night? She sounded like a lunatic, I washed my hands and walked towards the table, he had now been surrounded by a few girls.One was actually in my seat, trying to get his attention.“Excuse me? You seem to be in my seat, no worries this one’s mine now.” I moved past the one that was warming my seat and I put my hand on his shoulder and picked up my drink and sat in Sam’s lap he actually looked relived, he put his arms around me and damned tightly too, kissing the back of my neck and claiming me from the Jolly’s and letting the girls know he was taken, and boy he was taken girls.“Sam, I leave you for two minutes.” I kissed the back of his neck.“Got you covered boyfriend.” I whispered into his ear.He kissed me back.“Sorry Missy, I haven’t done anything to encourage them.” I didn’t doubt him for a moment.I had overheard the conversation he had knocked her back.“You can keep my seat I like this one, hell of a lot better, my boyfriend’s lap is so comfortable too.” I kissed Sam, as the girls left and went to the bar.“I promise I did nothing, I promise.” I put my glass down, kissed him again the Jolly’s were looking on.“I know, you didn’t she was giving you a second chance.As she hadn’t had the pleasure of my Sam first time tells me you said no.” He held on to me tighter.“I get to hear some talks about you sat on the loo.Nice glass of wine thank you.I may need it later they look like fighters.” He looked worried.“Right like I’d actually let you get hurt? I’d walk over hot coals before I let anyone hurt you.” I had a teary moment and as he kissed away my tears, the lads were on about shifting pubs.“You two love birds coming?” I drank my drink [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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