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.Even a bit of mud, snow or excesslubricating oil or grease in the boremay cause the barrel to bulge, oreven burst on firing, and can causeinjury to the shooter and bystanders.Be sure that you are usingammunition of the proper caliberand loading for the gun you areusing.If the report or recoil on firingseems weak, or doesn t seem quiteright, CEASE FIRING IMMEDIATELY,unload your firearm, and check to besure that no obstruction has becomelodged in the barrel.Never try toshoot an obstruction out!36 5.BE SURE OF YOURTARGET BEFORE YOUSHOOT.Don t shoot unless you know exactlywhere your bullet is going to strike.Be sure of the bullet stop behindyour target, even when dry-firing withan unloaded gun.If you are in thefield hunting, do not fire at amovement or noise.Take the time tobe absolutely certain of your targetbefore you pull the trigger.6.WEAR SHOOTINGGLASSES AND HEARINGPROTECTORS WHEN YOUSHOOT.All shooters should wear protectiveshooting glasses and adequatehearing protection when shooting.Exposure to shooting noise candamage hearing, and adequateeye protection when shooting isessential.7.NEVER CLIMB A TREE ORFENCE WITH A LOADEDFIREARM.Put the firearm down carefullybefore climbing a fence, and unloadit before climbing or descending atree or jumping over a ditch or otherobstruction.Never pull or push aloaded firearm toward yourself oranother person.When in doubt, orwhenever you are about to do any-thing awkward, unload your gun!37 ,8.DON T SHOOT AT AHARD SURFACE, OR ATWATER.Bullets can glance off many surfaceslike rocks or the surface of water andtravel in unpredictable directionswith considerable velocity.9.NEVER TRANSPORT ALOADED FIREARM.Firearms should always be unloadedbefore being moved or placed in avehicle.A suitable carrying case orscabbard should be used to carry anunloaded firearm to and from theshooting area.10.AVOID ALCOHOLICBEVERAGES WHENSHOOTING.Don t drink until the day s shootingis over.Handling firearms whileunder the influence of alcohol in anyform, or medications that could affectyour judgement or co-ordination,constitutes a criminal disregard forthe safety of others.38 A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF AN EXTRAORDINARYACHIEVEMENT: RUGER FIREARMSOne of the few American firearms manufacturers whose managementhas remained in the same family since starting in business, Sturm,Ruger & Company, Inc., had its beginning in a small machine shopoccupying a rented frame building in Southport, Connecticut.InJanuary, 1949, with an initial investment of only $50,000 and an idea,William B.Ruger and Alexander M.Sturm started production of a 22caliber autoloading pistol a design which was so successful that itbecame the cornerstone upon which one of the most comprehensivelines of sporting firearms ever made in America was established.AfterAlex Sturm s death in 1951, William B.Ruger continued to direct theCompany until his death in 2002.Today, William B.Ruger, Jr.continuesto provide guidance which has made this Company a sound andsuccessful enterprise.Sturm, Ruger & Company, in this relatively short time, has establisheditself as a leading small arms design organization, developing a uniqueand broad line of fine quality sporting, military and police firearms tobecome one of the world s most famous producers of revolvers, pistols,rifles and shotguns.Since 1949 Ruger craftsmen have built manymillions of firearms.During its five decades of growth and progress under the leadership ofWilliam B.Ruger, the Company developed a business philosophy andimplemented policies which represent a constructive influence in the lifeof modern America.From the beginning, Sturm, Ruger & Companyplayed a positive role in conservation efforts and has supported theinterests of shooters through such groups as the National RifleAssociation, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and many regionalsportsmen s organizations.The Company has always endeavored to market its firearms forconstructive and recreational purposes, to emphasize the traditionalaspects of shooting, to render meaningful public services and toencourage shooters in constructive, responsible, and safe participation inthe shooting sports.Its motto is  Arms Makers For ResponsibleCitizens.Today, Sturm, Ruger & Company is particularly mindful of thoseelements which have contributed to the creation of its success, andextends heartfelt thanks to its many loyal employees and customers.A current catalog of Ruger firearms is available free upon request toSturm, Ruger & Co., Inc., Southport, CT 0689039 WHY NO WARRANTY CARD HAS BEENPACKED WITH THIS NEW RUGER FIREARMThe Magnuson-Moss Act (Public Law 93-637) does not require anyseller or manufacturer of a consumer product to give a writtenwarranty.It does provide that if a written warranty is given, it must bedesignated as  limited or as  full and sets minimum standards for a full warranty.Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.has elected not toprovide any written warranty, either  limited or  full , rather than toattempt to comply with the provisions of the Magnuson-Moss Act andthe regulations issued thereunder.There are certain impliedwarranties under state law with respect to sales of consumer goods.Asthe extent and interpretation of these implied warranties varies fromstate to state, you should refer to your state statutes.Sturm, Ruger &Company wishes to assure its customers of its continued interest inproviding service to owners of Ruger firearms.STURM, RUGER & Company, Inc.Southport, Connecticut 06890 U.S.A.www.ruger.comArms Makers For Responsible Citizens�A COPY OF THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR ANY RUGERFIREARM IS AVAILABLE FROM THE FACTORY FREE ON REQUEST, OR IT MAYBE DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.RUGER.COM.THESE INSTRUCTION MANUALS CONTAIN IMPORTANTWARNINGS WHICH MUST BE UNDERSTOODBEFORE USING THESE FIREARMS. 10/17,  22/45,  Model 96,  P90,  P91,  P93,  P94,  P95,  P97,  P345,  P345D,  Mark III, P345PR, and  Super Redhawk Alaskan are RUGER TRADEMARKS. RUGER, THE STURM, RUGERLOGO,  AC-556,  Arms Makers For Responsible Citizens,  10/22,  All-Weather,  Bearcat,  Bisley, Blackhawk,  Gold Label,  GP100,  Hawkeye,  M77,  Mini Thirty,  Mini-14,  Old Army,  P85, Redhawk,  Ruger Titanium,  77/17,  77/22,  77/44,  77/50,  SP101,  Vaquero,  Security-Six, Service-Six,  Single Six,  Speed-Six, the  SR Design and  Target Grey areREGISTERED U.S.TRADEMARKS. DEERFIELD is a registered trademark of Blount, Inc [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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