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. Hang on a sec, apprentice. What s up, boss? Paige stared at her expectantly, waiting for orders. Are you a virgin?Paige threw up her hands. Well, totally! I mean, I ve only been alive for like three weeks and I had tolearn all this stuff about humans so I could blend in and stuff and then I had to learn the history of Satanand some basic Rivka stuff, like how to get around hell without falling into an acid pit.It wasn t like wehad time for the sex part, you know?Satan saddled her with avirgin ? Becca became suddenly aware of the heavy odor of sex in the air, ofthe couples in the upstairs rooms grunting, of the gyrating threesome on the dance floor in front of them.She looked at the slut outfit Paige was wearing and felt like an irresponsible mom.She shrugged out ofher thigh-length leather jacket and held it up. Put this on. Your leather jacket? Paige set the drinks on a nearby table, totally oblivious to the snarl from one ofthe women already parked there, and reverently took the coat, pressing it up to her nose to breathe in thescent. I can t believe I m holding Becca Gibbs s soul-harvesting coat.At the excited gleam in Paige s eyes, Becca didn t have the heart to tell her that it was actually just aregular coat because the dragon had absconded with her soul-harvesting coat. Yeah, I ve brought downentire countries in that thing.Be careful with it.It s loaded. Ooo. Paige carefully put her hand in the pocket as she slid it on. I can feel all the souls in the leather,screaming for release.Becca turned away to stifle her grin, then saw the scum from the bar heading toward them.She movednext to Paige and lowered her voice. Okay, so he s coming over here  Do I get to have sex with him? Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html You don t have to have sex in order to harvest a soul. Really? Paige frowned. My teacher said Satan says you do.Why would she lie? Okay, fine, the intimacy of sexcan help you access someone s innermost sanctum, but you won t beharvesting any souls until you re strong enough to do it without sex.Got it?Paige folded her arms over her chest. I want to harvest souls now.I ll have sex.I don t mind. You re not old enough to have sex. Since when? Paige gave her a skeptical look. How old do you have to be? Older than three weeks. She grabbed Paige s chin and pointed her back toward the approachinglecher. When he gets close, hold your hand out over his torso.If your fingers tingle, he s ripe forharvesting. Can I harvest him even if they don t tingle? No.I told you, we only harvest souls that deserve it. Bo-ring. Her voice trailed off as the guy leered at them and let his gaze drift over their bodies as heneared. Ooo.look athim.Becca s stomach crawled, but she saw Paige begin to glow with excitement. Paige  He is so HOT, Paige whispered. I can practically hear his soul calling my name.The man came to a stop in front of them, staring right at Paige s cleavage. Want to go to a motel? Yes! Paige flung herself on him and wrapped her legs around his waist, slamming her mouth onto hisbefore Becca could reach out to stop her.Becca glared at him and let her eyes flash red, letting a low growl roll off her tongue.He immediatelypaled, dropped Paige with a crash, and bolted for the door.Knocked over two women and a waitresson his way.Becca grinned, suddenly feeling much better. Let s go get him! Paige jumped to her feet and was already shoving past Becca.Becca just managed to grab the tail of the coat and hauled the girl to a stop. Chill out, girl! We re notgoing to chase him down. No way was she going to have Paige harvest a lecher s soul.She d have towait for a drug addict.Or maybe a carjacker.Yeah, that would work.Or an embezzler.Even better. You re way too excitable.Where s your strategic thinking?Paige was instantly contrite. Don t kill me.I ll get better, I swear.Next time, I ll Becca slapped her hand over Paige s mouth as a chill shot up Becca s spine.He was here. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlShe shoved Paige aside and spun toward the room, keeping the wall at their backs. Boss  Quiet. She scanned the room.It was dark.So many bodies.So many scents.But she could definitelysense the man who d nearly killed her two weeks ago when she d tried to harvest his black soul.He dconvinced her he was human until the last instant, and her idiocy had almost gotten her killed.She d beensearching for him for the last two weeks, and now he was at the club.Watching her.If she could findhim, persuade him to tell her who d hired him, and then kill them both, she d feel so much better aboutthe fact she was still tied to Satan and would have no future if this assassin succeeded in taking her out.She could feel him.But where? Omigod. Paige clutched her arm. You see someone.What? Who? Go to the bar and wait for me there. She had to get the kid away from the danger.Now. Right.I m gone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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