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.Being closeto her by itself was enough to set him off but being close while dominating the situationnearly had him creaming his pants.What was it about bending Bailey to his will thatkept Sebastian painfully hard? Don t be such an ass, Sebastian. How does telling the truth make me an ass?When Bailey pushed, Sebastian didn t back up.Instead, he leaned into her body,trapping her hands between them. How, Bay? Tell me.He couldn t keep his hands to himself.With her pressed between him and the wall,Sebastian wedged a knee between her thighs.Bailey gasped when he brushed against38 Friends With Benefitsher sex for the first time.She whimpered with arousal when he angled his hips, addingpressure right where she needed it.With her lower body pinned to the wall, he was free to use his hands however hedesired.First he traced her face with his fingers, a hand at each cheek before sliding intothe silky hair at her temples.The control he felt was so erotic.It was one of the many reasons he d never be ableto enjoy a straight vanilla relationship. Tell me. Sebastian whispered the words against her lips. You can t make me do things I don t want to do, dammit.She was a fighter through and through.Didn t she see just how strong theconnection, the attraction, between them was? How could she deny it?Sebastian tilted her head, positioning it just the way he wanted.The way he neededher so he could taste every dark recess of her mouth.When he nibbled at her full lowerlip, she tried to pull away.The sting of his teeth holding her lip in their grasp stoppedher immediately.Sebastian laved the small hurt with his tongue while Bailey moanedand wiggled her hips to get closer. Don t you see, Bay? Don t you see? When we re like this together, I could coax youinto doing just about anything.She of course stiffened at his words but Sebastian didn t let her reaction deter him. But I don t want it to be this way.I want to make you so hot you want the same thingsI do.Not because I made you but because you wanted to.I want you to writhe beneathmy hand, or belt even, because the burn turns you on.I want to see you tied to my bedbecause you love the way it feels to let go.Sebastian laid his forehead against Bailey s, his eyes closed, breathing deep. I llpush you, sweetheart, but I ll never hurt or force you. He opened his eyes.Staringstraight into hers, he pushed away from the wall, separating their bodies. The ball is inyour court now, Bay.What are you going to do?She took a deep, shuddering breath.Then, just when Sebastian thought he d finallygotten to her, made her understand she was much more than just a fuck buddy, shepopped off. I m going to stop letting you fuck me with them in the room.Mason and Catarena, who were now sitting on the couch, evidently enjoying theshow, both snickered.Sebastian forced a smile, trying not to act as irritated as he felt.For the first time inhis adult life, he wasn t sure whether to push the issue or not.There was no way hecould just be her fuck-on-the-side, but then again, the thought of not fucking Bailey atall didn t sit well either. Well, this has been fun but I ve got to go.After saying her goodbyes to Catarena and giving a toodeloo wave to Mason,Sebastian walked Bailey to her car.Parked right out front, it made for a short trip.Once39 Maggie Casper & Lena Matthewsthere, Sebastian pulled Bailey into his arms and kissed her, deep and slow.They wereboth breathless when he finally pulled his lips from hers. I ll pick you up at six tomorrow night? You pick the spot.Bailey was shaking her head before he even finished the sentence. I can ttomorrow. Why not? Sebastian did his best not to sound like a petulant child.Bailey seemedwound tight.Her eyes looked everywhere but directly at him, giving Sebastian a badfeeling. Because I have a date.Her words hit him like a sucker punch to the solar plexus and she knew it.Shedidn t seem to have a problem in the least with keeping a wall between them.Well, twocould play at her little game. Okay.Well, I ll give you a call later in the week then. He kissed her again, a hardkiss this time.One to remind her of what she d never get from some pansy-assed,vanilla lover boy.She seemed shocked by his attitude.For a minute, she just stood there, staring athim.Sebastian helped her along by opening the door for her.Once she was comfortablyseated behind the wheel, he reached in to pull her seat belt around her and buckle itbefore shutting the door. Drive safe. It was a lame thing to say, but at the time, was all he could think of.Ifhe didn t get her out of there fast, he was going to drag her off to his house, tie her tohis bed and whip her ass raw for even thinking of going out with another man.With long, ground-eating steps, he stalked back to the house.Catarena and Masonwere snuggling on the couch in their own little world but Sebastian didn t care.Shoulders tense with anger, he plopped his ass on the coffee table right in front of them. Who is Bailey going out with tomorrow night and where are they going?Catarena seemed surprised by his outburst.She looked from him to Mason andback. She didn t mention it to me.Sebastian turned to Mason.If anyone could get the information out of Catarena, hewas the one. Oh no, you don t! Catarena jumped to her feet, her hands fisted on her hips. Youasked me and I said I didn t know.Don t you dare give him your big puppy-dog-eyedlook and get me into trouble.Mason laughed. Okay.I m sorry. Sebastian got up from his perch on the coffee table to pace acrossthe floor before an idea hit him. Does she have a favorite place?Catarena bit her bottom lip.She still stood with her hands on her hips, only nowshe didn t appear quite so confident. Umm. If you know, I think you should tell him. Mason s voice was low but the hand herubbed over the curve of her ass brought his point home.40 Friends With Benefits Yeah, as if I have a choice, Catarena muttered. There s a place over on Fifth andDelaware where she likes to go.Good food and drink and a small dance floor but Idon t remember the name.Sebastian figured she was lying, but he knew the place she was talking about sowouldn t call her on it.Besides, by the way she and Mason were looking at each other,they would be having loads of fun the minute he walked out the door anyway. Thanks. He kissed Catarena on the cheek. I ve got you, he murmured, thinking of Bailey as he made his way to his car.41 Maggie Casper & Lena MatthewsChapter FourDespite the pleased smile Bailey wore like a cheap toupee, she was having a terribletime on her date.While Darrel Hinx seemed like the perfect catch in theory, in reality hewas a complete bore and a bit of an ass.Though to be fair, anything would seem tamecompared to her last date.Not that she could truly call her outing at The Boulevard a date [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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