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.20Similarly, Philip Gordon speaks of Bush s plans to   reshape the MiddleEast  through the application of American power and ideals.21 And politicalpundits seem to agree.Allan Murray of the Wall Street Journal describedBush s   agenda for remaking the world  as rivaling those of Harry Trumanand Woodrow Wilson in its ambition, scope, and idealism.22 Unlike manypoliticians who stick to the status quo even while speaking of great changes,Bush s actions have demonstrated his very real commitment to followingthrough on his bold plans.Even those who disagree vehemently with the policies and vision of thepresident agree that his goals are striking in their objectives.Thus, Ivo Preventive War as a Grand Strategy? 113Daalder and James Lindsay write about a   revolution  in American foreignpolicy, and assert that Bush s worldview is   radical in its claims and ambitiousin its reach.  23 There is little doubt about either; Bush is nothing if notambitious, and the controversy that has surrounded many of his actions is anindicator of just how sweeping his plans may be.Paired with President Bush s grand vision for the future of the world is apropensity for taking risks.There are numerous examples of this in hispolicies.Perhaps the most obvious of these risk-taking actions is the decisionto go to war with Iraq.Immediately before the conflict with Iraq began, aloyal Bush strategist noted,   It seems hard to imagine that if the war goesbadly, he ll be reelected.This is almost sheer risk from a political calculus.  24Putting yourself in President Bush s place in 2002 2003, there were manyways that a war with Iraq could be politically devastating.American casualtiesmight have been high and turned the tide of public opinion against Bush.Othercountries might have balked at helping, forcing the president and the UnitedStates to stand alone.The war itself might have gone badly in many ways.Evidence of WMD or WMD programs might not be found.Transatlanticrelations might be badly, or irreparably, damaged.The Muslim world mighthave erupted with violence or displeasure.It seemed clear that if the war turnedout badly, Bush would have severe difficulties being reelected.This is as big apolitical risk as any president can take: the willingness to give up their ownpower in pursuit of a risky policy they believe to be right.There were similarissues at stake in Menachem Begin s decision to strike Iraq in 1981; an electionhung in the balance, and Israeli casualties would likely have cost Begin theelection.Similar to Begin, Bush made the risky decision of acting preventivelyand risking lives in a very public manner and very close to an election.Chief of Staff Andy Card warned the president in February 2002 thatcongressional elections were coming up in a few months, as well as thepresidential election later on factors that should be taken into account inthe planning of a possible war with Iraq.Bush responded:   That is no con-sideration at all.If we go to war, it will be because the security of Americarequires it.Timing will have nothing to do with congressional elections orpolls.  25Part of Bush s resilience his ability to do what he thinks is right even ifdoing so subjects him to strong or harsh criticism comes from the strongbelief that he is   on the right side.  Richard Perle, a former Defense Depart-ment official with ties to the Bush administration, believes that Bush s serenity  comes from the conviction he s on the right course.  26 The same articledeclares that Bush s confidence in his own decisions   is consistent with hischaracter, which draws sharp lines between good and evil, black and white.  27This resilience is also partly rooted in Bush s belief in the role of thepresident.That is, Bush understands the necessity of having public supportfor a given policy, but believes that it is the role of the president to create 114 Why Leaders Choose Warpublic support and to lead the public.Thus, in a speech made before hebecame president, Bush declared that   unless a president sets his own pri-orities, his priorities will be set by others by adversaries, or the crisis of themoment, live on CNN [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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