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.Hannah was Cheney s Middle East adviser. 220 Notes27 Francis Fukuyama, reacting to his colleagues  illusions about the efficacy ofAmerican power, declared that he could no longer call himself a neoconserva-tive, and founded a new journal, the American Interest (Fukuyama 2006).28 Neoconservatives Martin Kramer and Daniel Pipes established Campus Watch,a website blacklist of academics thought to be anti-Semitic or supportive ofradical Palestinian groups, shortly after 9/11 (McNeil 2002).Efforts were madeto enact laws creating federal oversight of what professors said about Israel (e.g.HR 3077 in the 108th Congress).29 A 2002 Newsweek poll reported that 45 percent of Americans considered theUnited States a  secular nation, 29 percent a  Christian nation and 16 percenta  Biblical nation in the Judeo-Christian tradition (Lind 2003: 108).30 The disinvestment campaign began as a student movement at Berkeley in 2000.Abe Foxman of ADL and Harvard professor Ruth Wisse denounced it as anti-Semitic (Clarke 2005: 45 6).When Harvard faculty and students advocateddisinvestment in 2002, Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, and universitypresident, Lawrence Summers, said that such advocacy was essentially anti-Semitic (ibid.: 45; Butler 2003: 249).31 Even in Virginia, home of Falwell, Robertson, the Christian Coalition andRobertson s Liberty University, polls in the late 1990s showed that only 15percent of voters considered the endorsement of the Coalition significant (Fried-man 2005: 221).32 Christian Zionists would carry bills or letters drafted by AIPAC.Sen.SamBrownback (R, KS) led 87 senators in demanding various actions against thePLO (WP 6 Apr.2001: A32).Sen.Chris Bond (R, MO) led 89 senators indemanding the president not restrain Israeli retaliation against Palestinians(NYT 17 Nov.2001: A10).Kansas and Missouri have very small Jewish popu-lations.33 One Texas preacher, Rev.John Hagee, pledged $1 million in 1998 to settleRussian immigrants in the West Bank, rejecting advice that his actions contra-vened U.S.policy (Lind 2003: 147).34 A fellow Christian, after holding hands with a Jew in the Sea of Galilee, sang ahymn about a coming time when  Gentile and Jew would have  one Shepardand one fold (Bush 1999: 139).35 In September 1999, in a speech written by Cheney, Armitage and Rice, hepromised to end  diffuse and  endless deployments and  reduce the tension onan overstretched military (Speech 23 Sep.1999; Moore and Slater 2003: 302).36 Frum, who wrote the speech, took away other lessons: refer to faith, not to aChristian God; appoint someone to the NSC Middle East desk; and resolve theconflict between the State Department and the supporters of Israel in the WhiteHouse over treatment of the PA (Frum 2003).37 Throughout the first term, State Department moderates (William Burns atNEA and Richard Haass at Policy Planning) battled Cheney, Rumsfeld, Feithand Cheney s Middle East adviser John Hannah, with a cautious Powell seekingto preserve his credibility for the major issues.See Sipress 2002.38 Mossad chief Efraim Halevy was surprised that Bush would plunge the CIAdirector into overt political and operational roles (Halevy 2006: 209 10).39 Bush told Cheney within minutes after the second tower was hit that this was war (Barnes 2006: 63).His speeches that day, the next day and over thefollowing months were filled with references to  evil and  evildoers. In hisspeech to Congress he referred to terrorists as a global movement,  heirs of allthe murderous ideologies of the 20th century & they follow in the path offascism, Nazism and totalitarianism. He demanded that every state choose tobe  with us, or you are with the terrorists (Speech 20 Sep.2001).40 Frum claims that he inserted the idea in every draft of the speech (Frum 2003: Notes 221142 3).Halper and Clarke report that Frum got the idea from Richard Perle(Halper and Clarke 2004: 32).Woodward reports the idea was Gerson s (Wood-ward 2003: 30).Hadley says the idea was entirely Bush s (Kessler 2004: 178).Barnes says Bush discussed the concept with Cheney on 12 September (Barnes2006: 66).41 Frum and Perle argued that the  Arab Israeli quarrel was a manifestation ofMuslim culture; that the Palestinian cause was about revenge, not justice; thatmilitant Islam sought global domination as had Nazis and communists; andthat eradicating it was  our generation s great cause, where the only optionswere victory or holocaust (Frum and Perle 2004) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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