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.quand même.(Fr.)  All the same.quantum leap has become a cliché and is better avoided.A separateobjection is that its general sense of a revolutionary step forwardis at variance with its strict scientific sense of a movement or ad-vance that is discrete and measurable, but not necessarily, oreven usually, dramatic.Qu Appelle.Canadian river.quark.Hypothetical subatomic particle.quasar is derived from, and means,  quasi-stellar object.quaternary.Of or pertaining to groups of four.When capitalized, itdescribes the geological period, part of the Cenozoic era, whenhumans first appeared.quatrefoil.In architecture, a four-pointed tracery.quattrocento.Abbreviation of Italian millequattrocento, the fifteenthcentury, used especially in reference to Italian art and culture.quaver.To tremble.queasy.Québécois (or Quebecer) for someone from Quebec.The Canadianpolitical party is always Parti Québécois.Queen Elizabeth II.(1926 ) Her formal title, though seldom used, isElizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United King-dom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her OtherRealms and Territories, Queen Head of the Commonwealth,Defender of the Faith.She became queen in 1952; her coronationwas in 1953.Queens.(No apos.) Borough of New York.Queensberry rules.Not -bury.Code of conduct for boxing; formallythey are the Marquess of Queensberry Rules.Queensboro Bridge, New York, but Queensborough Community Col-lege. 284 Queens College / quincentennialQueens College, City University of New York, Queen s College, Ox-ford, Queens College, Cambridge.quelque chose.(Fr.) Something, a trifle.¿qué pasa? (Sp.)  What s up?querulous.Fretful, peevish.query, inquiry, enquiry.A query is a single question.An inquiry or en-quiry may be a single question or an extensive investigation.Ei-ther spelling is correct, but inquiry is preferred by mostdictionaries.que será, será.(Sp.)  Whatever will be, will be. The same expressionin Italian is che sarà, sarà.qu est-ce que c est? (Fr.)  What is this?question, leading.A leading question is not a challenging or hostileone, as is sometimes thought, but the opposite.It is a questiondesigned to encourage the person being questioned to make thedesired response.A lawyer who says to a witness,  So you didn tsee the murder, did you? has asked a leading question.question mark has become an overworked embellishment of the ex-pression  a question hanging over, which is itself wearyinglyoverused.Consider:  The case.has raised a question markover the competence of British security (The Times).Wouldyou say of a happy event that it had raised an exclamation markover the proceedings or that a pause in negotiations had acomma hanging over them?questionnaire.Note -nn-.Quetzalcoatl.Aztec god.queue, queuing.Quezon City.Former capital of the Philippines (1948 1976).quid pro quo.(Lat.) Tit for tat, a fair trade-off.quiescent.qu importe? (Fr.)  What does it matter?quincentennial.Five-hundredth anniversary. Quinnipiac University / qwerty keyboard 285ýÿQuinnipiac University, Connecticut.Quinquagesima.The fiftieth day before Easter, the Sunday beforeAsh Wednesday.quinquennial can mean either to last for five years or to occur onceevery five years.Because of the inherent ambiguity, the word isalmost always better replaced with a more specific phrase.quinsy.Historic name for tonsillitis.quintessence, quintessential.quisling.One who collaborates with a foreign enemy; after VidkunQuisling (1887 1945), pro-Nazi Norwegian prime minister ap-pointed by Germany.Quito.Capital of Ecuador.qui vive, on the.In a state of watchfulness.Qum (or Qom).Holy city in Iran.quod est demonstrandum.(Abbr.QED.) (Lat.)  Which was to bedemonstrated.quod vide.(Abbr.q.v.) (Lat.)  Which see ; used for cross-references.Quonochontaug, Rhode Island.Quonset hut.Prefabricated metal shelter.quorum, pl.quorums.Quran.Alternative spelling of Koran.q.v.Quod vide (Lat.),  which see. Used for cross-references.qwerty keyboard.Standard English keyboard, so called because thefirst six letters of the first row of letters spell qwerty. RrRrrabbet.Type of groove used in carpentry.rabbi, rabbinical.Rabelais, François.(c.1494 c.1553) French satirist.Rabin, Yitzhak.(1922 1995) Israeli prime minister (1974 1977, 19921995).raccoon.Rachmaninoff (or Rachmaninov), Sergei.(1873 1943) Russian com-poser and pianist.rack, wrack.Wrack is an archaic variant of wreck and now almostnever appears except in the expression wrack and ruin.Rackmeans to put under strain.The expressions are nerve-rackingand to rack one s brain.racket (pref.)/racquet (alt.).racy.radiator.Not -er.radius.The plural can be either radii or radiuses.raffia.Fiber used for mats.Rafsanjani, Ali Akbar (Hashemi).(1934 ) President of Iran (19891997).ragamuffin.ragout.In French, ragoût.raise Cain, to.raison d être.(Fr.)  Reason for being.Rajasthan, India.Not -stan.raki.Alcoholic drink of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Ralegh, Sir Walter / Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, The History of 287ýÿRalegh, Sir Walter.(1552 1618) English courtier, explorer, and author.Raleigh was once the conventional spelling, but Ralegh is now gen-erally preferred in serious and academic writings.However, for thecity in North Carolina, the bicycles, and the cigarettes, use Raleigh.Ramadan.Ninth month of the Muslim year, and the fast that takesplace in that month.Ramses (sometimes Rameses).Name of twelve pharaohs of ancientEgypt.rand.South African currency; the plural is also rand.Rangers Ballpark in Arlington is the formal name of the home of theTexas Rangers baseball team.ranges of figures.Sentences such as the following are common:  Profitsin the division were expected to rise by between $35 and $45 mil-lion. Although most people will see at once that the writer meantto indicate a range of $10 million, literally she was saying that prof-its could be as little as $35 or as much as $45 million.If you mean between $35 million and $45 million, it is always better to say so.Ransom, John Crowe.(1888 1974) American poet and critic.Ransome, Arthur.(1884 1967) British author of children s stories.Raphael.(1483 1520) Italian painter; real name Raffaello Santi (orSanzio). Rappaccini s Daughter. Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne (1844).Rappahannock River, Virginia.rappel, rappelled, rappelling.rapprochement.(Fr.) Reconciliation.rapt, wrapped.One is rapt in thought, not wrapped.Rapt means en-grossed, absorbed, enraptured.rara avis.(Lat.)  A rare bird ; an unusual or wonderful person orthing; pl.rarae aves.rarefy, rarefaction, but rarity.Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, The History of.Novel by Samuel Johnson(1759). 288 Rastafarianism / reason.is becauseRastafarianism.Religious sect.ratatouille.Vegetable stew.rational, rationale.The first means sensible or sound ( a rational de-cision ); the second describes a justification ( the rationale forhis actions ).rattan.Type of cane.ravage, ravish.The first means to lay waste.The second means torape or carry off or, a touch confusingly, to enrapture.Clearly,in all senses, for both words, care needs to be exercised to avoidconfusion.Ravenna, Italy.Rawalpindi, Pakistan.Ray, Satyajit.(1921 1992) Indian film director.razed to the ground is a common but mistaken expression.Theground is the only place to which a structure can be razed.It isenough to say that a building has been razed.razzmatazz.re- words.Somewhat mystifyingly, many publications show a formi-dable resistance to putting hyphens into any word beginningwith re-.Yet often the presence or absence of a hyphen can use-fully and immediately denote a difference in meaning, as be-tween recollect (remember) and re-collect (collect again), orbetween recede (withdraw) and re-cede (give back again, as withterritory) [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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