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.It was polished but, clearly, it had seen war.The hilt of the swordin his scabbard, at his left hip, too, was worn.It was marked, too, with thestains of oil and sweat.His livery, too, though clean, was plain.It bore theinsignia ofCorcyrus and of his standing in the guards, that of the third rank, the firstrank to which authority is delegated.In the infantry of Corcyrus the fifth rank is commonly occupied for at least ayear.Promotion to the fourth rank is usually automatic, following thedemonstrated attainment of certain levels of martial skills.The second rankand the first rank usually involve larger command responsibilities.Beyondthese rankings come the distinctions and levels among leaders who are perhapsmore appropriately to be thought of as officers, or full officers, those, forexample, among lieutenants, captains, high captains and generals.That DrususRencius was first sword among the guards, then, in this case, as his insigniamade clear, was not a reference to his rank but a recognition of his skillwith the blade.That these various ranks might be occupied, incidentally, alsodoes not entail that specific command responsibilities are being exercised.APage 41 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlgiven rank, with its pay grade, for example, might be occupied without itsowner being assigned a given command.The command of Drusus Rencius, forexample, if he had had one, would presumably be relinquished when be took overhis duties as a personal guard.His skills with the sword, I suppose, had beenwhat, had called him to the attention of Ligurious.These, perhaps, had seemed to qualify him for his new assignment.To be aproper guard for a Tatrix, however, surely involved more than being quick witha sword.There were matters of appearances to be considered.I felt a bitirritated with the fellow.I would put him in his place. The guard for a Tatrix, I said to Ligurious,  must be more resplendent. See to it, said he to Drusus Rencius. As you wish, responded Drusus Rencius.Ligurious had then left.Drusus Rencius looked down at me.He seemed very large and strong.Ifelt very small and weak. What is wrong? I asked, angrily. It is nothing, he said. Whatl I demanded. It is only that I had expected, from what I have heard, that Lady Sheilawould be somewhat different than I find her. Oh, I said.He continued to look at me. In what way? I asked. I had expected Lady Sheila to seem more of a Tatrix, he said,  whereas youseem to me to be something quite different. What? I asked. Forgive me, Lady, be smiled. If I answered you truthfully I would fear thatI might be impaled. Speak, I said.He smiled. You may speak with impunity, I said. What is it that I seem to be to you? A female slave, be said. Oh! I cried, in fury. Does Lady Sheila often go unveiled? be asked. Yes, I said. A Tatrix has no secrets from her people.It is good for herpeople to be able to look upon their Tatrix? As Lady Sheila wishes, he said, bowing. May I now withdraw? Yes! I said.He had seen me without my veil.I felt almost naked before him,almost as though I might truly be a slave. I shall be at your call, he said.He then withdrew.I twisted on the couch and turned again to my back.I looked up at theceiling.The effects of the wine I had had for supper were still with me.I think itmay have been drugged.It was not easy to sort things out.I had had a strange dream, mixed in withother dreams. I am the Tatrix of Corcyrus, I had said to Ligurious, in the palanquin. Ofcourse, he had said.How can I be the Tatrix of Corcynis, I asked myself.Does this make any sense?Is it not all madness? I could understand how women could be brought to thisworld to be put in collars and made slaves, like -Susan, for example, anddoubtless others.That was comprehensible.But why would one be brought hereto rule a city? Surely such positions of privilege and power these Goreanswould reserve for themselves.The more typical position for an Earth girl, Isuspected tofind herself at the feet of a master.I wondered if I were truly the Tatrix ofPage 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCorcyrus.Surely I had seldom exercised significant authority.Too, at times,my schedule seemed a bit erratic or strange [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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