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.The criteria was unclear, but evidently aworld had to be supporting millions ofArchies for the planet shaper to decide to pass it by.Apparently when the Archies started to settle a new world, they typically hadan enormous number of colonists ready to go all at the same time."Look," Rudy said.He pointed at the screen showing the planet shaper.Wherethere had been an ellipse around Venus, the display now showed a straight linetoward Earth.The planet shaper was moving off rapidly."Follow it," Matt said quickly to Abby."Maintain this distance."Abby relayed the instructions to the Archie captain, who followed them withoutargument this time."How long do we have before arrival at Earth?" Matt asked.Abby's face was pale when she passed back the answer."About three hours."Matt took a deep breath."Can the shuttlecraft keep up with us? Can theyaccelerate as rapidly as this ship?"The answer was yes."I want all remaining shuttlecraft launched.Have them stay close to thisship, but ready to move."This time the captain seemed uneasy about obeying.She didn't want to loseany more shuttles, she said.Matt looked at the Archie captain as he spoke to Abby."We've got to settle this for once and for all.We cannot waste time likethis.Remind her this small party of humans did extensive damage to thisship.There are millions more of us watching every move that's made now.Andif any request we make in the next few hours is denied, the penalty will behigher than whatever the request would have cost.The Archies started this,and they damn well better be ready to stop it."Matt went on."Tell her the Earth and the people on it are far more importantthan we are, and we will go to any length necessary to guarantee the Archiesmeet our demands.The Archies caused this situation, and they're damn wellgoing to risk anything we ask them to risk to set things right."When Matt finished and Abby began to talk to the captain, Bobby Joe said."Maybe we can try convincing them with images.Manhattan is sure to have some stock footage of atomic bombtesting.We could be ready to display it here it in a couple of minutes toshow them what we're capable of.""Good suggestion.But what if she says, 'Great.Let's use it on the planetshaper'?"Bobby Joe said, "Never mind."Page 203 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAbby spoke to her computer, which chattered as Matt kept staring at thecaptain.For a solid ten seconds after the computer became silent, the Archiestared back, as though trying to arrive at a painful decision.Matt suddenly said to Abby, "Tell her this ship is useless for its intendedmission now since we can't follow the planet shaper until the drive is fixed.This is their only chance to do something genuinely useful since this shipleft port.They owe us that much.And remind her that we're their only hope.We're the generalists, right? We're the ones best equipped to make thedecisions right now."Abby gave the captain the additional direction.The captain's eye-stalk twitched as she looked at Matt.Suddenly she gave what Matt felt was a thumb's up sign and he said to himself,that had better not be the finger.The captain chattered to her crew and toAbby."She got the message," Abby said.After some more chattering, Abby added, "I'm pretty sure I'm understandingthings right.This crew really is essentially a civil service team.They'vebeen trained to save cities, not to wage war, and that's why they've resisted.As you pointed out, their mission cannot proceed for now, and since they'refinally convinced that we're military experts, they're willing to followorders."Matt nodded, feeling he was anything but an expert in fighting a space battle.He was careful not to show his lack of confidence.Within minutes the displays showed about a dozen shuttlecraft move into spacenear the Archie's ship.The shuttlecraft paralleled the ship's course."Good," Matt said."Now tell her that if nothing else we try works, our lastresort will be to ram the planet shaper."Abby swung back to relay the message, did a double-take, and then turned againto the computer.A minute later Abby said, "She says, 'You are right.This is our fault.Weare prepared to die, but what about the cities?'""Tell her we'll have to decide that later."When the exchange was complete, Rudy said softly, "Are you dead serious aboutthat possibility?"Matt shook his head.He spoke loud enough that he was sure his voice wouldcarry to Julie's minivid and to the audience below."One, I don't even knowif that would be effective.Two, I'd have to have permission from the mayor.Three, mainly Iwanted the Archie captain to know that we consider it an alternative.I haveto assume that if there's any weapon or idea they've been holding back,they'll be honest about it now.And, frankly, I'm not sure how we would forcethem to do it.If they're all going to die, it's not like we have a lot ofleverage."Matt picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "I need to talk to the mayor."#Dorine answered the call instantly."Mayor here.""It's reality check time," came Matt Sheehan's voice."IfI'm doing things you don't approve of, you need to speak up.""I know how to manage a city, not fight a war.It may seem like the samething sometimes, but it's not.If I see anything that I can't live with, I'llget on the horn, but I'm not about to undermine your authority at this point.You've got my blessing.""Thank you, mayor.About the possibility of ramming.As much as we want tosave the Earth, I don't know that we could justify killing the only remnantsof dozens of other civilizations.They're victims as much as we are.I wishwe had time to contact more of the other cities.It could be one of them hasa weapon that would do that job, but they've been unable to use it because itwould destroy their own city.But we've got hours, not days or months."Page 204 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlDorine swallowed hard."Do what you have to if there's a way to save Earth.I trust your judgment.""Thanks [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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