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.""I'll watch the air," said Jack, seating himself quickly."I'll watch the ground," promised Peter, springing upbriskly behind him."And I'll see that we're not followed," said Belfaygor,climbing on last of all."Then off we go," rumbled Snif."What a lot I shall have totell my grandchildren, if I ever have any grandchildren.I hope they'll bejust like you, Peter," he added with an affectionate glance over his shoulder.Peter smiled faintly to himself, for he did not see how this could be but hewas too polite to argue the question, and fixing his eyes upon the road belowlooked eagerly for some sign of Mogodore and his men.CHAPTER 15Peter Opens the Pirate's SackWHAT a curious existence," mused Belfaygor, as Snif came tothe end of Swing City's net and soared joyfully into the air."Well, everybodyhas his own idea of comfort, but as for me, I prefer a castle with someone toserve the soup and bring on the venison.Snipping off his beard, the barongave a homesick sigh and looked glumly at the tiny farms and villages below.Page 53 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"A place where a fellow can keep his feet on the ground andhis head on his shoulders, suits me," declared Jack in a weary voice."I'venever lost my head so often as on this trip.Did you see those savages usingit for a ball?""They used my beard for a tight rope," said Belfaygor in anexasperated voice, "so what could you expect?""And they called Snif a Nibblywog," laughed Peter, "andthrew me around like an old shoe.All they need to make them monkeys istails!""Don't insult a monkey," said Snif, looking reprovinglyover his wing."I've known some polite monkeys in my day.But thosehighway-men!" Snif gave a disgusted grunt."I've a notion to fly back andsettle with them after this other affair is all over.""I hope we didn't miss Mogodore while we were being held upthere," worried Peter."It must be nearly four o'clock now and we certainlyought to overtake him soon.Are you sure we are flying in the right direction,Snif?""Yes," said the Iffin expertly circling a dark cloud."Whythere he is now!" Flapping both wings violently together, Snif pointed withhis claw."There, coming out of that forest Mogodore and all his men! See thesun shining on their spears." With a swoop that nearly unseated his riders,the Iffin hurled himself over the wood and the next instant they were hangingmotionless over a tossing sea of spears."The Princess," cried Belfaygor, leaning far over."There'sShirley Sunshine riding out ahead.Fly lower, Snif, fly lower and we'll snatchher up and be off!""No we won't," muttered the Iffin grimly."We'll open thesack and catch this kingdom stealer, first.Open the sack, Peter! Open thesack, there's no one to stop you now." So intent upon their purpose were thewarriors below, they never saw the red monster above their heads.Now Peterhad untied the pirate sack.Now it was ready to open.Seizing Snif's wing tobalance himself, Peter stood up in order to hold the sack directly over theenemy.As he did a great gust of wind tore the sack from his hands, filled itfull of air and sent it spinning up like a balloon high above their heads."Oh," choked the little boy, nearly losing his hold onSnif, "nothing ever happens right.Doggone that sack anyway!""The flagon," screamed Jack."Throw the flagon.Quickbefore he gets away!""I'll do it," whispered Belfaygor eagerly."Give it to me,Peter.Quick!" Tugging the forbidden flagon from his pocket, Peter was aboutto pass it to the baron, when a hoarse scream from the Iffin made him pause."The sack," panted the red monster, flapping his wingsdesperately."It's coming straight for us! Look! Look! Look out! Look up! Holdon!""If that comes nearer, we are gone!" Jack took one startledglance upward, and then instead of holding on, snatched the flagon fromPeter's hand and dove recklessly to earth.As he did, and as the last ofPage 54 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlMogodore's army galloped out of danger's way, the wretched sack, its mouthwide open came hurling down upon the rescuers.Jack had been wise to jump.Before Peter or the baron could follow him, they were snapped up, I mean down.An ear splitting growl came to Jack as he turned over and over in the air [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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