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.In spite of the horrific AIDS epidemic,there seems to be no abatement in their business.Even more shocking is to see Europeans having din-ner with these diseased prostitutes, apparently oblivious,or indifferent, to the danger and the almost certain likeli-hood that they will be infected by having sex with them.It seems clear that Africa is being blamed unfairly for thisepidemic, as it was undoubtedly brought to Africa fromEurope by European businessmen, both black and white.Black African businessmen went to Europe, contractedAIDS, and brought it to their homeland.The white manalso brought it from Europe, and now is taking it back.Although it is a well-kept secret, AIDS started in Africamore than a year after it was recognized in the UnitedStates.I visited a Catholic hospital in Masaka and asked thenun in charge of AIDS patients how many cases therewere in the area.She replied, "We have no idea." It seemsthat, through education, even the most backward bushfamily realizes that there is no cure for AIDS, and so theydo not come to the hospital anymore.They don't evencome in for testing, because they know the symptoms of Peroxide Therapy, Africa, and AIDS 117AIDS.When they contract AIDS, they die at home, andoften will commit suicide, as will the wife or girlfriendsoon thereafter.In fact, high tech suicide has come to Af-rica.The most popular mode of self-destruction is to re-move the tiny battery from a digital watch and swallowit death within 20 minutes.If you take two batteries,death within 10 minutes.No one knows, including thepathologists, how many people are taking the "time cap-sule," as I have dubbed it, because few autopsies aredone.Diagnosis is often by supposition and by exclusion.There simply aren't the time, facilities, manpower ormoney to conduct autopsies on so many people.When told by the nun that she didn't know howmany AIDS cases there were, we turned to what we feltwould be a more reliable source-the man on the street.Our driver, Sula, is close to the people.He told us theywere burying between 10 and 20 people a day in Masaka."All you have to do," he said, "is check the graveyardsand see how many funerals they're having." As Ugandansdo not believe in cremation, this is an accurate way of de-termining, at least, what the death rate is from AIDS.Youshould be very skeptical when someone says, "The AIDSepidemic is disappearing." The AIDS epidemic certainlyis not disappearing in Africa people are disappearing.A young man, whose name is Kaggwa (which meansin Luganda: born by the side of the road ), said he did nothave a girlfriend because he was too frightened."I can'task a girl if she has AIDS.How can you start a relation-ship like that?" Young Africans, far more than youngAmericans, are aware of the danger of AIDS.We noted a number of casket-making shops along theroad to Kampala.Caskets are one of the fastest sellingitems in equatorial Africa.After arriving near the very heart of equatorial Af-rica, we spent two weeks in frustrating opulence at atourist hotel, waiting to start our great treatment venture.It was worth the wait.They set us up in a private homewith complete security and five bedrooms in which totreat our patients.The house is in a residential area about HYDROGEN PEROXIDE MEDICAL MIRACLE118five miles from the center of town.It was frustrating towaste almost two weeks before getting underway, but thecountry is desperately short of supplies, and they simplydo the best they can.The furniture they brought in wasmade at a factory the very day it was delivered.The following case histories are from our AIDS clinic"somewhere in equatorial Africa." The government of thisequatorial country wishes to keep the AIDS clinic a secretfor many very good reasons.With the positive results thatwe are getting, we are sure the government will "comeout of the closet" very soon, because they'll want theworld to know of the incredible improvements we aregetting with AIDS, and many other diseases.Case HistoriesN-, John (Bigo), age 34, male(Our first Patient) CLASS IV8/14/89Occupation: writer, Temp: 37.8, Pulse: 100Weight: about 100 lbs., Height: 6'3"Some spots in vision.Anorexia, sight of food causesnausea.Pain at left lower abdominal quadrant (presentingsymptom).Bowels: diarrhea; Urine: o.k.Cough; but not short of breath.Lived in Paris: 1982-1986First Symptoms: Fever, January 1987, and Anemia.Was well in two weeks.Again sick in December 1987; chills for two weeks,then well again.In July 1988, chills again.In August, violent fever,vomiting for four days, also diarrhea.Diagnosis of AIDS made August 1988; Malaria andTyphoid diagnosed, also.Continued weight loss. Peroxide Therapy, Africa, and AIDS 119January 1989 Diabetes diagnosed was in acidosis.Was put on oral diabetic medication.Started gainingweight and felt well after the diabetes stabilized.Familyhistory of diabetes; elder brother is diabetic.Felt well until April 1989, when abdominal pain re-turned.Took an herb and got better.Took another herbwhich brought sugar to normal.Even ELISA returnednegative, but Western Blot remained positive.Early 1989 Syphilis diagnosed.Treated with dailyIM penicillin for two weeks inadequate; treatment re-peated, then o.k.Got sick again in July (early).Now complains only ofthe abdominal pain, fever, and nausea with vomiting,diarrhea.Treatment8/14/898 p.m.H O - I.V.2 210 p.m.PhotoluminescenceNo nausea after treatment, no abdominal pain, pulse100, depressed.8/15/895 a.m.Photoluminescence11 a.m.PhotoluminescenceNausea and vomiting returned.No abdominal pain.4 p.m.Photoluminescence5 p.m.Temp: 101 degrees F, (37.8C), Pulse: 104No liver tenderness, kept fish dinner down.8/16/899 a.m.H O I.V.2 210 a.m.PhotoluminescenceNo nausea.2 p.m.I.V.Vitamins, Mg-1 gm., K-20 meq.Appetite improving.Asking for food.Cheerful [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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